viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

Art in class


I have chosen to adapt this book because I wanted to change some things. When I was a little girl I really loved this story but I would have liked another end. In my childhood I liked both, the town and the country. I didn’t find agreeable that Town mouse didn’t like the Country and Country Mouse didn’t like the Town. I didn’t like it but I understood and I accepted. However, I have had the opportunity of changing the end and I have taken it.

I have written a little biography in my reader because from my point of view it is very important to know who has written the story. If I read a book and I like it I will buy another book of the same author. Also I put two photos of me in the town and in the country because the children will like them and they will be curious to know things about these places. I will take advange of these pictures to describe them, so the children will detect some differences between the country and the town. It might be useful to introduce the book.

Another reason because I have chosen to adapt this book is because I wanted to introduce these mice like if they were my friends. I think this is a good idea to attract the attention of the children and to motivate them and besides they learn many differences between the town and the country.
I focus the story in the friendship too. For me, this value is incredible and essential.


Before reading the story

§    The teacher tells the children that she is going to read them an interesting story about a town mouse and a country mouse.
§    When the teacher shows her pictures she will describe them and she will ask something about them.
§        She asks the students:
- What is the meaning of town? And, what is the meaning of country?

During the story

§        The teacher reads the story word by word.
§      The voice of the teacher should be loud and slow, changing her voice to sound like the character in the book. This makes the story interesting and fun to listen to, so, children don’t get distracted easily.
§    When the teacher flips on a new page, she asks the children to guess what might happen in the next scene or she asks something about the pictures.

After reading the story

§        The teacher asks:
-   What do Town Mouse and Country Mouse eat?
§        The pupils have to match the words with the pictures:
- Apples, Bus, Cheese, Cows, Supermarket, Milk, Mice and Tree.


§    The children have to bring two pictures of them to the class, the following day. One picture in a country and the other in a town. They can request help to their parents to find these pictures. They will do a mural with their pictures. On the left the pictures of them in the country and on the right in the town.
§     One day the children will go to a country estate to see the animals that they can find there and besides they will see how to milk the cows. The children who want to milk the cows, will do it.